During his first year in post as Head of Hanley Castle High School Alan Johnston, an ‘inspirational Head Teacher and wonderful musician’, founded Hanley Singers, the small choir that would become Hanley Voices and celebrate its 30th Anniversary in 2023.
Alan’s collaboration with Head of Music, Dominic Hawley built on these small beginnings, creating Hanley Music that drew together the school’s musical talent and actively sought community involvement. The name ‘Hanley Voices’ emerged in 1993, word spread, the choir grew in number, public performances became part of the annual calendar and the rest, as they say, is 'history’.
What resulted from the seed of an idea was a wonderful, uplifting group of warm and friendly people, prepared to accept any musical challenge thrown at them by the choir’s notable Musical Directors, from Dominic Hawley at the outset to its present holder, Lee Wiltamuth.
Alan Johnston’s dedication to Music and the Arts set him apart. After his retirement in 2004, he continued to support Hanley Voices, be it at the piano, in performance or behind the scenes. Alan died in 2014.
‘Mass in Blue’, selected in 2017 as the 25th Anniversary piece, was a fitting tribute to Alan Johnston’s particular interest and skill as a jazz pianist.
Alan’s collaboration with Head of Music, Dominic Hawley built on these small beginnings, creating Hanley Music that drew together the school’s musical talent and actively sought community involvement. The name ‘Hanley Voices’ emerged in 1993, word spread, the choir grew in number, public performances became part of the annual calendar and the rest, as they say, is 'history’.
What resulted from the seed of an idea was a wonderful, uplifting group of warm and friendly people, prepared to accept any musical challenge thrown at them by the choir’s notable Musical Directors, from Dominic Hawley at the outset to its present holder, Lee Wiltamuth.
Alan Johnston’s dedication to Music and the Arts set him apart. After his retirement in 2004, he continued to support Hanley Voices, be it at the piano, in performance or behind the scenes. Alan died in 2014.
‘Mass in Blue’, selected in 2017 as the 25th Anniversary piece, was a fitting tribute to Alan Johnston’s particular interest and skill as a jazz pianist.